Friday, November 23, 2012

LAD/Blog #17: Sojourner Truth's "Ain't I a Woman?"

In Akron, Ohio, at the Woman's Convention of 1851, Sojourner Truth declared the white man's definition of a woman. Truth said that all women, to white men, fall into the helpless, demure, elevated category that warranted being helped across ditches, lifted over puddles, given the best place, valued for their supposed fragility. Truth asserted that she has never enjoyed such a privilege, despite being a woman. Instead, she has ploughed fields and labored, planting and farming. Though she was a mother, she was not treated as a woman. Truth also spoke of education, wondering why women, already put at a disadvantage by society, must be limited in that area, as well. She also stated that men used the excuse that Christ was not female to limit women in the Bible-- however, she argued, Christ came to be by God and a woman; mad had nothing to do with Him. Women, Truth said, had to take a stand and stand up for their rights, together.

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