Thursday, September 27, 2012

LAD/Blog #7: Washington's Farewell Address

[ the Farewell Address ]

As the first President, George Washington set many precedents for future leaders of the United States. In his Farewell Address, he set the precedent for a two-term presidency, because although the people wanted him to continue leading the country, he merely wanted to return to a calmer life. After establishing this, he went on to warn against the formation of political parties, because he believed that the conflicting beliefs between parties would create a rift in the nation. Washington opposed factions because of his strong belief in unity, and his belief that such conflicting ideals would diminish that unity and weaken the United States. He also touched upon taxes and revenue, stating such things as necessary, as well as speaking about avoiding getting into debt. Washington also advised that America remain isolated and neutral, warning against foreign alliances and getting involved in the affairs of other countries. Washington also went on to describe the great importance that he felt the Constitution and morality held in America, and how he thought that in order for America to see success, people had to abide by the Constitution. At last, Washington closed the Address with a note of thanks toward the American people who had provided him with so much honor an opportunity, and ended with a final farewell.

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