Monday, October 8, 2012

LAD/Blog #8: Columbus

[ christopher columbus ]

A question that nags at many Americans is this: Was Christopher Columbus a hero, or a villain?

I personally do not believe that people can be classified in such black and white ways; the stark contrasts of "good" and "evil" are best left to fairytales rather than real life. However, I do believe that people come in many shades of gray.

Columbus was one of the darker ones.

Most American children are taught only that Columbus was a very admirable and excellent explorer, and it is left at that. They are grateful to him, given that his very existence gives them a day off from school. However, the true facts are that Columbus was not such a praiseworthy individual. His treatment of the Native Americans especially leads people to clamor that Columbus Day not be observed in his honor-- he treated them abhorrently, as if they were loathsome, primitive animals.

Despite the fact that cruelty toward foreign peoples was customary in his time, his acts are still unacceptable and should not be glorified. Columbus's wrongs must not be erased by history, and all Americans should be aware of them.

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