Wednesday, April 10, 2013

LAD/Blog #31: President Wilson's 14 Points

On January 8th, 1919, President Woodrow Wilson addressed Congress regarding his plan for the future and for Europe. First, he established that the United States had entered the Great War in order to help other nations and to restore the world to peace and harmony. He went on to introduce his 14 Point Plan. The plan presented guidelines on what Wilson perceived necessary to correct the world's major issues. Wilson wanted an end to all fighting in the world, asking for a general disarmament of all countries as well as trade rights and free waterways. The major goal of the plan was to set up an international peace keeping organization which was called called the League of Nations. Despite its positive nature, the League was largely unsuccessful due to the absence of the United States. The 14 points were the first step in establishing America as a world peacekeeper, laying the foundation for the United Nations. Overall, the plan was too idealistic and its goals were too lofty to be held to entirely, resulting in its failure.

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